Http-Header Checker

August 17, 2010 By Sunita

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What is Http-Header Checker?

Http Header Checker
Http-Header checker of seo41 is used to check website header returned by web-server while requesting a URL, by SEO point of view optimizers use HttpHeader checker to check the status code of a website to verify that there will be no problem while search engine indexing of this page. Place a complaint if tool is not working, At Here

While making Http Header request server will respond with following things (Method, HTTP-Version, URI, Date, Connection, Authorization, If-Modified-Since, Content-Length, Content-Type)

There are seven http status codes that we will study now (200, 301, 302, 304, 307, 404, and 410)

200 OK: Success, Server is online and URL is ok.

301 Moved Permanently: URL requested has been permanently moved to new location, so if you try to access the current URL browser will get redirected to new assigned URL.

302 Found: URL requested is temporarily moved to another location. Currently while accessing this URL from browser you will get redirected.

304 Not Modified: In thins case while making 'GET' request to the server, If the document is not been modified, the server will respond with 304 status code. The 304 responding URL should not contain message-body.

307 Temporary Redirect: Requested URL has been moved temporarily to another location but this response is only cacheable if indicated by a Cache-Control or Expires header field.

404 Not Found: web server not able to find requested URI.

410 Gone: Resource you requested is no longer available on this server and neither going to be available in future, this is done purposefully for removing the URL or content from linking resources such as websites or search engines.


By Ajay, Sunita, Navpreet, Manoj